Pedagogical, Acquisition, Entrepreneurial skills, Reorientation, ChallengesAbstract
The study focused on the pedagogical re-orientation of Social Studies teachers for acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by secondary schools students in Ogun State. Two research questions guided the study to determine the extent of pedagogical re-orientation of Social Studies teachers in junior secondary schools in the area for students’ acquisition of entrepreneurial skills and the extent their teaching enhance acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by the students. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Population comprises 150 junior secondary schools students in Odeda Local Government in Ogun State. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 30 students each from five junior secondary schools in the local government area bringing the sample size to 150 students. A self-developed questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. It was developed in closed-ended of Agree or disagree. The instrument was moderated by experts in the field to affirm its validity. Reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha and data collected were analyzed simple percentage, mean and standard deviation statistical tool. Findings revealed that Social Studies teachers in upper basic level schools in Ogun State exhibit sufficient preparedness to deliver entrepreneurship education. Moreover, the integration of entrepreneurial concepts within the Social Studies curriculum appears to positively impact students' acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. Consequently, the study concludes that the current curriculum implementation in the state demonstrates effectiveness, suggesting that students are well-positioned to pursue self-employment opportunities upon graduation. Therefore, government and educational bodies should encourage ongoing professional development programs for Social Studies teachers focused on entrepreneurship education. This includes workshops, seminars, and training sessions aimed at enhancing pedagogical skills and content knowledge related to entrepreneurship.Downloads
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