
  • NIMOTA Adefunke Bakare University of Lagos Author
  • ABDUL-HAMEED Adeola Sulaimon University of Lagos Author
  • OWOLABI Lateef Kuye University of Lagos Author


Technology innovation, knowledge management, organisational sustainability, small and medium scale enterprises


In recent time technological innovation has been the major tool that facilitates the success of any organisation irrespective of its business environment. However, it appears that these achievements are mostly in big organisations especially in developed countries of the world. This necessitates this study to investigate the mediating role of technological innovation in the relationship between knowledge management and social sustainability in small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey method using quantitative approach. The population for the study was 1,964 of manufacturing SMEs in Lagos and the sample size for the study was 474. Data for the research were gathered through 474 copies of questionnaire distributed to respondents out of which 411 were retrieved. These were further analysis adopting bootstrapping method. The findings of the study revealed that technological innovation mediated the relationship between knowledge management and social sustainability. The study concluded that when technological innovation was introduced to the relationship between knowledge management and social sustainability, it had a significant and positive impact on the variables. Thereby recommended that SMEs should invest in technological innovation to aid and facilitate their knowledge capabilities and social sustainability practices.


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ISBN/1473760356, 9781473760356


