
  • Dr. Nnenna Nancy CHUKWUMA Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria Author


Fiscal Policy Economic policies, monetary policy, Manufacturing Companies and Profitability.


This research work investigated the Economic Policies and profitability of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. From literature, it is evident that monetary and fiscal policies can influence the entire economy if it is well utilized. Two research questions and hypotheses guided the work. The survey research design was adopted for the study while a simple random sampling method was used in choosing four (4) manufacturing companies. Two hundred (200) respondents participated in this study in which a well-structured questionnaire was distributed to them, the test re-test method was adopted in testing the reliability. The reliability of the trial test was ascertained using 10 copies of the questionnaire on similar firms, excluding the target population of the study. Their responses were analyzed using simple mean and percentages. The results of this research indicated that economic policies have great influence on the output of private manufacturing sector considering the magnitude and level of the significance of the coefficient and p-value. It is evident that a relationship between fiscal policy and manufacturing sector output could also be seen over time. This finding indicated the government’s non-increase in the public expenditure and its implementation could make the Nigerian manufacturing sector not to be able to provide the expected economic growth. The study revealed that monetary and fiscal policies played important and significant role in improving private business sector productivity. Monetary and fiscal policies have the capacity to impact the private business sector productivity in the distant future in Nigeria. The research winded up in view that economic policies are effective in stimulating private business sector productivity in Nigeria.


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